Friday, December 19, 2008

Tooth Cap How Much Tooth

coetaneous 2009: Fulfilling the premises on Science and Innovation?

As from this area have always echoed the technological innovation policies and the various efforts of incentives for scientific and technological policy, we recommend reading it the entrance to Madrid I + D about , referring to the Budget for 2009: R & D budgets 2009.

A server is of the opinion that the only feasible means of production and economic progress is one that makes use of the technological advances of the first order. To have an efficient economy and an acceptable social welfare system, the only sound alternative is one based on the knowledge society and innovation. Therefore, in traditional patterns, cyclical change should emphasize major changes in education, science and technology. In a way, the University should be primarily a center for "knowledge and wisdom", not a nest of professionals, which does not mean that there is a university-market bilateral . Something which is in Spain occasionally, but that would add value to the training of students, and guide development of the country has to occur in how technology transfer from knowledge centers to businesses.

Science and Technology is not a matter of which speak in economic terms and demagogic. No matter how much you spend but how to budget, what expectations and academic and professional development will be given to these scientists, what job opportunities, economic stability and even social status. How to assess whether a science policy is efficient is to attend to number patents and contracts, international impact of publications.

The Seventh EU Framework Programme , 2007-2013, established a target of public spending on public programs of scientific research and technological € 53 billion to spend over 7 years. The main objective of European policy is to transfer public money in order to achieve the budget levels of the world powers, but in my opinion it is somewhat ineffective. No scientific quality until a reform of Universities and implement new educational methods that seek to maturity of the students .

In 2000, Japanese investment in R & D was ... (By GDP)
Japan: 3%
USA: 2.7%
EU-25: 1.8%

Nearly a decade later, Japan and U.S. investment have remained constant. China has made great efforts, reaching the EU level and internationally recognized universities. The EU-25 established by the Treaty of Lisbon reach ceiling of 2.6% in 2010.

In my opinion, the European attitude is a mediocrity. Science is a distance race. The great powers not only because they are ahead of us spend more money, but because they have long-term programs, with investments consolidated over time, because they are configured as poles that attract intellectual capital challenges for cause and enriching.

If the EU wants to be something in the XXI century should stop the demagoguery that prevails in this matter, to restructure its model of development, investing in knowledge, to attract professional and intellectual who can bring value to our society and especially if you want to compete, invest much more money than a raquítimo 2.6%.

Cobblestone Bridge Cottage In Dome

Who represents the PSOE. Here is the proof

exercise did not think writing in the remainder of the year. However, as the prevailing demagoguery reached unsuspected limits and the action of government is based in large silent slogans and decrees, which dismienten paraphernalia that maddens the devoted followers, here is my bit to remove the mysticism of prose "progressive "and" social "Zapatero the current Executive.

As it turns out as you all know, is far from innovation that are always the ones who pay the consequences. However, despite the fact that in times of booms, enrichment and increased wealth of the English business elite, ordinary people and not so plain, all those subject to wage an employer, have been seeing their "purchasing power" is impaired. Nothing new, it has been happening in the last two decades. Wonders of the system so much to defend each other.

The issue that has motivated to write this entry to hype this story: "Government tax rebate surprise of the bankers and their top executives retroactively" . The above discount is 43% to 18% on investment income of entities.

The Government has used a Royal Decree for the prevention of tax evasion for the tax cut backroom of major shareholders of banks, members of its domes, its top executives and all his family including uncles and nephews.

They may be taxed in the income tax of natural persons for the reduced rate of 18% rather than the 43% that normally belonged to them until now. The reduction is focused on income from capital they receive from their own bodies.

If an actual event, we may dare to say what everyone already knew. The state is the private banking and the wealth of business-class interests. The Government may be paying the favors that enabled the attendance at the summit of the G20 +2. Today, when governments are funding budget industries whose origin is the Pension Fund, where it is estimated that next year there will be more than 500,000 new unemployed (I'm short), the Government is dedicated to patching only benefits the current system, ie the good life of the elite practices immoral, in the good sense to consider elite group of people as capital-intensive.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What Does The Driver's License Look Like?

Close, 2008: 9 130 wars and violent conflicts

exists in Germany one of these recently acclaimed think-tank ", whose name comes from Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK) . As its name suggests use their resources to the analysis of conflict in international strategic framework. One of these tasks is the preparation and updating of annual Barometers conflicts.

The Barometers of the year 2008 is accessible at the following link, pdf in English. They tend to be particularly emphasis on topics such as territory, secessionist movements, decolonization processes, autonomies, systems and ideologies, national authorities, international and regional predominance, and natural resources and other characteristics.

under the heading of global development, these gentlemen have been counted along this year a total of 345 conflicts. The data reveal an increase in global violence quite worrying in reference to the previous year.

As these numbers you strange and maybe just being aware of what the media show us, we only know a skewed reality what is happening globally and even though we are the world's final percentages of decline in our quality of life, the truth is that the vast majority of the planet is subject to a conflict that denounce regimes and the fragility of "civilization civilized" and occasionally upset our well-being depends on other nations. Below you will see two graphs in this study that I find interesting.

As noted in previous graphs, the period from 1945 to the present, ie from post-war period to the current year has been marked by an overall increase of violence on a global scale, regardless of the intensity of each conflict. It is notable, in my opinion, at least the incidence of high intensity conflict is been maintained consistently over the last decades, being especially relevant to conflicts between nations has been reduced in the last two decades.

However, as shown in the figure pertaining to conflict situations concerning produced within each state, if we observe a significant increase in high-intensity conflict in recent times, of which could be inferred that we have experienced periods of great agitation in the last decades, in which the West has enjoyed great economic and scientific development while looked the other way.

Maybe, someday pay the hypocrisy of ignoring what is happening in other regions, conflicts that in some cases are fed by Western economic interests. Curious to see regions like the Congo, former Zambia, which could be the dominant strategy and hold a great international power, derived from the abundance of land and natural resources and, however, is doomed to fratricidal battles between factions and militias financed by third parties.

Monday, December 15, 2008

2009 Cost Of Homeowners Insurance In Arizona

Towards a global yard

Consider a scenario under which the money does not exist and that governments are fed (finance) based on the debt. Suppose a financial system where assets are traded unreal, ie, assets that have no basis in the productive economy. Speak of financial engineering, derivatives, etc, etc ... they would create a pyramid effect. In the current context no longer talking about toxic assets, or bubbles of any kind.

seems that the whole system is one that is in check. All companies are funded by loans and banking products, but when all that shed is fictisio, as described and the lack of confidence in institutions, out to light the "big lie." The lack of business ethics and greed, both private and public, has been currently not known if, for example, pension plans are real or fictisios.

And if Wall Street was all a big scam and if the systemic crisis that many say they hit rock bottom. That is, as you can re-flow a money supply does not exist and which is also based on financial products that do not depend essentially on the production. If that cash flow does not return to market, finance companies and will stop the collapse of the system.

Well, government intervention appears with substantial aid. Be issued government debt, national currencies are devalued and may even create a new currency (associated with a pattern such as gold). But is that enough?

And if the crisis now plaguing the automotive world of finance, construction, etc ... moved to credit cards (since banks are the entities that should have more holes open). Most commercial transactions are based on computers and credit cards. The real money in circulation is quite negligible in relation to "accounting records."

I fear we're going to a yard global scale.

Let the spotlight in the U.S.. If we look at their debt, the public is put at around 150% of GDP and private around 300% . What happens when we realize that our development is founded on wet paper and the "big bubble material" deflates.

And if it's too late for a model change and international institutions devoted to flee only forward desperately. "Declare war West to prevent "big lie" land?

For example, the Irish government has returned to recapitalize domestic banks 6 10 billion euros (10,000 million €) . We realize that this is a hole not to swallow paper, it's all a big pyramid collapses.

appears that another "great empire" is about to disappear and not talking to me but to the American West and their way of life based on the material and the lack of a moral life.

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The Left has disappeared from Europe

In question is the European left following the events that shook the world. Except for honorable or anecdotal exceptions the European political landscape is clearly liberal or conservative, where the left rules, is basically, as in Spain, a reduction from its backend and to abandon their ethical and ideological principles. The latter is what has led to a distortion of the social trends of the continent.

is especially cynical that members of the European Socialist Party and other left formations particularly harsh criticism of free market that they have embraced and given shelter. Perhaps now call claiming positions including regulation and regulatory systems, but far from the pragmatic course of image advertising, where govern policy differs little from the neoliberal policies.

in economic circumstances that should be set as a new seed of social democracy, it seems that these formations are unable to echo the representation of the workforce, but when have not risen to defend the continuing global outsourcing drip industrial.

Socialists, despite the clearly international character birth ideologically motivated, have failed to adapt to the globalization process, perhaps suffering from some responsibility for historical complexion. This would explain why no one is able to provide solutions and alternatives to a model that looks can be harmful to the welfare state. The man, whether skilled worker or not, has become something that never ceased to be, for many messages spilled to the contrary. The employee is then as now, an instrument or system whose mission is nothing but to accept the working conditions imposed by the ruling class, the business today. Perhaps, government policies do not try and see to promote their company through expansion of economic cycles and business expansion.

I doubt the matter is that economic globalization has been accompanied by international regulation, after the diffusion process and industrial business has grown over state lines. The world is witnessing as companies are more powerful than the states themselves, as their branches are spread throughout the globle, breaking up factories here and there, as they see fit, depending on where you pay less tax, where the cost reduction will be most advantageous private benefit that have an impact social, without any ethical limitation, with few exceptions.

Therefore, the wage today can not claim to be a worker to use, because their area of \u200b\u200bwork has grown, life does not belong. The worker of today, as a tool of the free market, is obliged to accept the economic policies that promote the dismantling of the National Industry. " So this is also a system of free movement of people and capital, monetary and intellectual.

can speak of the welfare system where the individual lives, their destiny and their life projects depends where employment is believed that this depends on the will of the business. Can be called "Democracy" at a public election system which then act on the basis of corporate lobbyists, where policies were always aimed at perpetuating the system and not improve the quality of city life.

can he not address a means of social solutions, an alternative to predatory capitalism of human sensitivity. Can not find new ways of originality and innovation to avoid the tail cyclic system or the beginning of real social struggle for justice and freedom where the individual is not overly dependent on a illegitimate power.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Dog Is Having Bloody Diarrhea

What happens if you modify the magnetic axis of the Earth?

Recent astronomical investigations, the December 21, 2012 will be a direct alignment between the Sun and Earth . Scientists say, this process has a frequency of more than 25,000 years. This could be the reason why ancient civilizations eleborar numerous prophecies. A clear example, the Maya civilization, which left written on your calendar this event.

How will the alignment of the earth? Will cause a gradual warming, which explicararía what has been called Warming Global. Perhaps, as is known, based on continuous shift the magnetic north pole is to produce a dramatic change in the planet's magnetic polarity.

Be that as it is funny how many "prophets" point to that and as many of these ideas take hold and believe in them until their end. Does not the Bible also describes how prophetic the return of Salvador after a time of disaster?

Imagine for a moment that could be true based on an assumption that the rotation or vary the frequency of rotation see changed. How would that to our lives? For starters, all communications and electronic devices may stop working, including cars and any appliance electrical or magnetic properties.

However, according to natural laws, any minimal change in ground conditions could severely affect life on the planet. For example, the tidal cycle is somehow conditioned by the attraction between the Earth and Moon and hence, winds, storms and anticyclones. The volcanic activity or tectonic plate movement depends on the magma or the earth's magnetic core, etc, etc ...

is sometimes mentioned the existence of civilizations before us, which are considered advanced. From this it would explain the great mysteries of classical antiquity. What if human life requires periodic saw global environmental catastrophe that wiped off the map of civilization? This would equate to a return to start from scratch every x thousand years. Even that suffering or fear, reveal a return to faith and, therefore, the existence of religion as we know it.

many assumptions, many uncertainties as well as know the past and the future. Human beings so ignorant and lacking in knowledge, he can not explain and give meaning to everything around him, even he is unable to assimilate the true greatness of his own existence.

Friday, December 12, 2008

What Is The Plate Name Of Mt Hood

The real challenge and the question of the EU be

Echoing the idea accepted by the European Commission about the entry into the EU, Iceland, that country very near the north pole comes to a discussion idea might not properly raised. What are the natural limits of the EU? We introduce territorial boundaries, cultural, social? Or rather, the idea of \u200b\u200bEurope is actually the idea of \u200b\u200ba great organ manager of international politics.

Since the last movements of adhesion to the Slav countries, former Soviet republics and the future integration of Turkey have taken a giant step, but to where?

Let's look at one side of enmity with Russia, that is, create a block antagonistic to their hegemony and invite their subordination in the sphere of European integration. Isofacto pass countries like Poland have the same weight as Spain in the whole EU, but with a very important strategic position. It is obvious that the EU have no state policy or whatever you want to call it, we depend on U.S. military power, which acts to favor the Americans, not Europeans. In this regard, USA camp in Eastern Europe leading to Russians, moving arms and creating military systems. If the Russians do the same, the bad guys will be the Russians. Then put the outcry when the Empire invades Europe Russian energy from one corner to another. ? But who can claim an isolated region with 27 voices and no common policies in areas such as energy, security, foreign relations ...?

Turkish Speaking of integration, positive or not, the fact is that its entry modify traditional structures. It is a country culturally different from the 27 EU members. It can mean the link to the civilized Islamic world, can be a great market for our products, etc, etc ... we must not forget that the percentage weight Turkey will be of great influence in the organs of government of the EU. In the Anatolian peninsula is home to about 70 million people. Would be the second most populous country in the EU and, therefore, the second in making SECT. ? It would mean this new challenge a destabilizing process? The Turkish people comes from the roots Byzantine, Ottoman and Roman. Connects Europe with Asia.

As appears, the time will lead to a succinct question. ? Mediterraneo is the natural border of Europe? It appears that the Union for the Mediterranean Europe Movement free market will eventually merge the banks of northern Africa to the common project. An example would be Morocco, a country of great potential and already has agreements advantageous trade with the EU. Spain is a country where major companies, a country where the industry would reduce costs, etc, etc ... Obviously, we face a legion of countries that should make internal order in the sense that they must eradicate the violent radicalism and terrorism. Countries should initiate a process of opening, moving a system of rights and freedoms to its people.

Meanwhile, under a global perspective, Europe is still asleep in the lauleres. While the countries with which borders and which resets the training operations of the armed forces of other countries are increasing and developing, Europe has not yet established a common army or even joint operations. It appears that Javier Solana on his day gave the green light to the creation of a European Defense Agency or a similar entity. It's a good idea, but very green.

The overall scenario is not rosy. China increases its defense budget noticeably every year, Morocco has doubled the defense budget this year, Venezuela is emerging as a military power in South America and is allied with Russians and Iranians. The Russians have not stopped development of weapons of intercontinental missiles. Conflicts like the one facing the countries of the Arab League in Israel, conflict and tension between Pakistan and India sleeping, etc, etc ...

European States and its allies live times peace and support armies but it is not easy and economical, should not lower our guard. Europe needs an army, not to make war, but to guard against any eventuality, any aggression. Because the only guarantor of our system of freedoms is a solid military structure.

Albino Russian Tortoise

What is to hide ... Forgetting the

Leguina considerations raised by, but go on everyone's lips:

In a few months has gone from a budget surplus to a deficit that gallops.

"If banks English were just as solid as they said, why are 100,000 million euros as government to save them?

"If the English good times we spent 10% more than what we produced (that was the level of external deficit on income account), what will happen now, how you intend to finance this deficit?

"In times of plenty there was a million homes and half a million vehicles per year ... and course, employers in these sectors have been covered, then, why the state (ie all of us) has to help now?