Monday, December 15, 2008

2009 Cost Of Homeowners Insurance In Arizona

Towards a global yard

Consider a scenario under which the money does not exist and that governments are fed (finance) based on the debt. Suppose a financial system where assets are traded unreal, ie, assets that have no basis in the productive economy. Speak of financial engineering, derivatives, etc, etc ... they would create a pyramid effect. In the current context no longer talking about toxic assets, or bubbles of any kind.

seems that the whole system is one that is in check. All companies are funded by loans and banking products, but when all that shed is fictisio, as described and the lack of confidence in institutions, out to light the "big lie." The lack of business ethics and greed, both private and public, has been currently not known if, for example, pension plans are real or fictisios.

And if Wall Street was all a big scam and if the systemic crisis that many say they hit rock bottom. That is, as you can re-flow a money supply does not exist and which is also based on financial products that do not depend essentially on the production. If that cash flow does not return to market, finance companies and will stop the collapse of the system.

Well, government intervention appears with substantial aid. Be issued government debt, national currencies are devalued and may even create a new currency (associated with a pattern such as gold). But is that enough?

And if the crisis now plaguing the automotive world of finance, construction, etc ... moved to credit cards (since banks are the entities that should have more holes open). Most commercial transactions are based on computers and credit cards. The real money in circulation is quite negligible in relation to "accounting records."

I fear we're going to a yard global scale.

Let the spotlight in the U.S.. If we look at their debt, the public is put at around 150% of GDP and private around 300% . What happens when we realize that our development is founded on wet paper and the "big bubble material" deflates.

And if it's too late for a model change and international institutions devoted to flee only forward desperately. "Declare war West to prevent "big lie" land?

For example, the Irish government has returned to recapitalize domestic banks 6 10 billion euros (10,000 million €) . We realize that this is a hole not to swallow paper, it's all a big pyramid collapses.

appears that another "great empire" is about to disappear and not talking to me but to the American West and their way of life based on the material and the lack of a moral life.


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