Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Dog Is Having Bloody Diarrhea

What happens if you modify the magnetic axis of the Earth?

Recent astronomical investigations, the December 21, 2012 will be a direct alignment between the Sun and Earth . Scientists say, this process has a frequency of more than 25,000 years. This could be the reason why ancient civilizations eleborar numerous prophecies. A clear example, the Maya civilization, which left written on your calendar this event.

How will the alignment of the earth? Will cause a gradual warming, which explicararía what has been called Warming Global. Perhaps, as is known, based on continuous shift the magnetic north pole is to produce a dramatic change in the planet's magnetic polarity.

Be that as it is funny how many "prophets" point to that and as many of these ideas take hold and believe in them until their end. Does not the Bible also describes how prophetic the return of Salvador after a time of disaster?

Imagine for a moment that could be true based on an assumption that the rotation or vary the frequency of rotation see changed. How would that to our lives? For starters, all communications and electronic devices may stop working, including cars and any appliance electrical or magnetic properties.

However, according to natural laws, any minimal change in ground conditions could severely affect life on the planet. For example, the tidal cycle is somehow conditioned by the attraction between the Earth and Moon and hence, winds, storms and anticyclones. The volcanic activity or tectonic plate movement depends on the magma or the earth's magnetic core, etc, etc ...

is sometimes mentioned the existence of civilizations before us, which are considered advanced. From this it would explain the great mysteries of classical antiquity. What if human life requires periodic saw global environmental catastrophe that wiped off the map of civilization? This would equate to a return to start from scratch every x thousand years. Even that suffering or fear, reveal a return to faith and, therefore, the existence of religion as we know it.

many assumptions, many uncertainties as well as know the past and the future. Human beings so ignorant and lacking in knowledge, he can not explain and give meaning to everything around him, even he is unable to assimilate the true greatness of his own existence.


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