Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What Does The Driver's License Look Like?

Close, 2008: 9 130 wars and violent conflicts

exists in Germany one of these recently acclaimed think-tank ", whose name comes from Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research (HIIK) . As its name suggests use their resources to the analysis of conflict in international strategic framework. One of these tasks is the preparation and updating of annual Barometers conflicts.

The Barometers of the year 2008 is accessible at the following link, pdf in English. They tend to be particularly emphasis on topics such as territory, secessionist movements, decolonization processes, autonomies, systems and ideologies, national authorities, international and regional predominance, and natural resources and other characteristics.

under the heading of global development, these gentlemen have been counted along this year a total of 345 conflicts. The data reveal an increase in global violence quite worrying in reference to the previous year.

As these numbers you strange and maybe just being aware of what the media show us, we only know a skewed reality what is happening globally and even though we are the world's final percentages of decline in our quality of life, the truth is that the vast majority of the planet is subject to a conflict that denounce regimes and the fragility of "civilization civilized" and occasionally upset our well-being depends on other nations. Below you will see two graphs in this study that I find interesting.

As noted in previous graphs, the period from 1945 to the present, ie from post-war period to the current year has been marked by an overall increase of violence on a global scale, regardless of the intensity of each conflict. It is notable, in my opinion, at least the incidence of high intensity conflict is been maintained consistently over the last decades, being especially relevant to conflicts between nations has been reduced in the last two decades.

However, as shown in the figure pertaining to conflict situations concerning produced within each state, if we observe a significant increase in high-intensity conflict in recent times, of which could be inferred that we have experienced periods of great agitation in the last decades, in which the West has enjoyed great economic and scientific development while looked the other way.

Maybe, someday pay the hypocrisy of ignoring what is happening in other regions, conflicts that in some cases are fed by Western economic interests. Curious to see regions like the Congo, former Zambia, which could be the dominant strategy and hold a great international power, derived from the abundance of land and natural resources and, however, is doomed to fratricidal battles between factions and militias financed by third parties.


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